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Cold-Drawing Wire

Cold-drawing changes the steel's shape and size by pulling the material through a carbide die, steel will go through cold-rolling first and then cold-drawing to enhance its properties for better performance.

Many manufacturers to choose cold-drawn steel wire as one of their primary materials. At Xingying, we produce steel wire to your exact specifications, and the cold-drawing method ensures better precision.

Cold-drawing has several benefits, including:

  • Precision. This process can create closer tolerances than other cold forming methods. We can create sharp corner radii, as well as complex symmetrical and asymmetrical profiles.
  • Performance. Cold-drawn steel has enhanced mechanical properties, which make better performance possible. After undergoing this process, steel is stronger and harder.
  • Surface finish. A smoother surface finish eliminates additional machining operations and cost.


  • Variety: Iron Cold-drawing Wire, Copper Cold-drawing Wire, Stainless Steel Cold-drawing Wire, Nickel Cold-drawing Wire, Aluminum Cold-drawing Wire, Aluminum Alloy Cold-drawing Wire.
  • Shapes: Round,Hex,Square
  • Size: 3.0mm-0.5mm

The Cold Drawing Process for Wire

  • SAIP (Spheroidize Annealed in Process) Clean & Coat → Cold Draw → Spheroidize Anneal → Clean & Coat – Cold draw to final size
  • SAFS (Spheroidize Annealed at Finish Size) Clean & Coat → Cold Draw – Spheroidize Anneal → Clean & Coat
  • Bright Basic (Direct Drawn Wire) Clean & Coat → Cold Draw
  • DFAR (Drawn from Annealed Rod) Clean & Coat → Spheroidize Anneal → Clean & Coat → Cold draw to final size

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