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How Can I Select Fence for My Property

Woven chain link fence and welded wire fence are among the most common types of fencing. Both of them have versatile applications and multiple advantages. Through the following comparison, you will get a clear answer when you select a fence for your property.


Welded wire fence is manufactured by welding vertical and horizontal wires at every intersection, with either square or rectangular aperture. The woven chain link fences are made from steel wire helically wound and interwoven in such a manner as to provide a continuous mesh without knots or ties except in the form of knuckling or of twisting the ends of the wires to form the selvage of the fabric. It is also called diamond mesh for its diamond aperture.


Both of chain-link fence and welded wire fence can be used as security fencing for schools, governments, commercial and industrial locations. However, welded wire fence has more visions than chain-link in protecting security. Anti-climb 358 security mesh is the most popular security fence for its finger-proof spacing as well as rigid structure.


Woven chain-link fence with loose structure is easy to bend, twist and pull without breaking. However, when it is cut, it will become inefficient sooner or later. In contrast, welded wire fence is inflexible and rigid. Once cut, the fence will not unravel like chain-link.

Fence toppings add security.

Barb wire, concertina razor wire and flat wrap razor wire are always installed on the top of fence adding security.

Weather resistant materials.

Hot-dip galvanized or vinyl-coating protects the core steel wire from corrosion of weather, acid rain, chemicals and other factors.

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